Yunier Ramirez Cedeno

Yunier Ramirez Cedeno, 39 years old, was born in Hoguin, Cuba.
Bachelor’s degree in accounting and finance in 2004 and master’s degree in history and culture in 2016, in UHo. Professor of that university for 9 years. He has 5 exhibitions, one for painting in 2007, and the other ones for photography in 2018 and 2019. He won the community award in Flux Gallery in 2018. Was part of We Create Artist, KRM project in June 2018, with his Lost Boys series, a photography and video installation. Has been collaborating with LFPL, once with a personal exhibition and the other as part of Afro latinx exhibition.

Is a member of The Glass Eye Ensemble, where he was an active part of the project and exhibition The Dance, for the poet Ron Whitehead. Believe that art is a necessity and that photography can be a powerful tool of telling stories. Dedicated to teaching philosophy, culture and photography, collaborated with The special system of education in Cuba, to entering autistic children in the universe of photography. He was part of Art in the City Hall in 2019 and 2020, and is a member of Hadley Creative 3rd generation.